Dave Martin c 1996
Viewing the chaos in American politics today begs analysis of chaos its self. In recent years, great strides have been made by mathematicians in the field of Chaos Theory. Work in this area seeks to discover order from seemingly random sets of number and equations. Human behavior and social interaction, like nature, seems always to opt for order over chaos and anarchy. From rebellion and reigns of terror, human nature desires stability and order. When offered a binary choice of chaos or stability and order, mankind chooses the latter. The problem is that the options are not always what they seem. As in mathematical Chaos Theory, random and chaotic social conditions may not in truth be what they appear. The situations may be planned, there may indeed be an ordered agenda. The outcome of many political and social tribulations throughout history have pivoted on choices of order versus chaos.
Napoleon Bonapart offered what seemed to be stability as an alternative to the French Reign of Terror. Perhaps more to the point, after the abdication of Czar Nicholas II, Russia was without order. Many groups proclaimed themselves to be in control, each claimed to represent some segment of society or special interest group. The Bolsheviks, under Lenin, bided their time fomenting discord among the various factions seeking to control the future government. Lenin had his agents strategically placed within every political group. When it was clear that no consensus could be reached between the various factions, the Bolsheviks offered what appeared to be a choice between chaos and order. It has taken Russia three quarters of a century to recover from that choice.
In post WWI Germany, Hitler offered people the order of National Socialism over the chaos of economic depression. Nazi fomented labor strikes and Brown Shirt terrorism reinforced an atmosphere of anarchy that seemed at the time to be random chaos. In reality it was planned, ordered, and encouraged by the Nazis and seemed to offer the German people a clear choice to prevent the further decline of German society.
In the United States today, there appears to be random political and social chaos. An anti-abortion activist murders a doctor in the name of religion and self-styled religious leaders publicly justify the act. Religious groups are pressuring for organized prayer in public schools. Vouchers are being suggested as a solution to a troubled public school system. Under a voucher initiative recently proposed in California, any radical group could claim to have a private school and benefit from vouchers along with Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, and Hebrew schools. Racist groups planned to sap this potentially lucrative source of money to support teaching their narrow interpretation of history and science. Adoption of vouchers would ultimately destroy public education. In such a situation, a powerful well-organized group offering almost any alternative could gain control.
The Free Congress Foundation (FCF) proposes vouchers as the solution for more than educational problems. The FCF suggests vouchers for public service. Under FCF's proposal, a citizen dissatisfied with his garbage pick-up, street repair or fire department could draw a voucher and hire his own. FCF's theory is that vouchers will promote healthy competition and from competition will rise the best service. A plan like this could only result in fiscal anarchy. In this case it would be ordered chaos.
Recently voters all over the nation have been confronted by Stealth Candidates. The religious and secular right wishing to unseat an incumbent will offer the voter two additional candidates, one openly radically right of center, the second appearing to be more moderate, but opposed to some trumped up local threat. From the chaos of multiple alternatives the voter is manipulated and the leading candidate's or incumbent's edge is eliminated.
The chaos here is ordered by The Heritage Foundation. Heritage ultimately plans to offer the people of the United States a choice between chaos orchestrated by FCF and the two class Cultural Conservatism Paul Weyrich has envisioned a true Orwellian society with Big Brother intruding in every aspect of our lives.